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Int 1A Fn B101  - Intel PCi BIOS V2.0c - Installation Check                [X]

   AX = B101h

Return: AH = 00h if installed
       CF clear
       EDX = 20494350h (' ICP')
       EDI = physical address of protected-mode entry point (see below)
       AL = PCI hardware characteristics
       bit 0: configuration space access mechanism 1 supported
       bit 1: configuration space access mechanism 2 supported
       bits 2-3 reserved
       bit 4: Special Cycle generation mechanism 1 supported
       bit 5: Special Cycle generation mechanism 2 supported
       bits 6-7 reserved
       BH = PCI interface level major version (BCD)
       BL = PCI interface level minor version (BCD)
       CL = number of last PCI bus in system
   EAX, EBX, ECX, and EDX may be modified
   all other flags (except IF) may be modified

Note:  this function may require up to 1024 byte of stack; it will not enable
     interrupts if they were disabled before making the call

See Also: AX=B181h

Call protected-mode entry point with:
   registers as for real/V86-mode INT call
   CS = ring 0 descriptor with access to full address space

Return: as for real/V86-mode call

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